1. FrostColony need to make an Information Page! 2. ShockColony, MoonColony, and FrostColony Leaders need to make their Colonies Dens!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Here's an idea. I was thinking to all you leaders of Colonies should be able to post, so maybe the leaders could post your emails here so I can make you an author. Or, if you prefer not putting your email into public, you can tell me a place to go where I can see it. I ADDED EVERYONE JUST TO TELL YOU! LOOK IN THE COLONY YOU JOINED TO SEE! If I got anything wrong just tell me!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Acadia not signed inJuly 1, 2010 at 8:53 AM

    Mine is

    Hey shock shy want to be gmail friends?

  3. Acadia not signed inJuly 1, 2010 at 8:56 AM

    I have an Idea how about all of us {Leaders who give there email email each other and if Shinepaw wants to, to we can email her to.

  4. I wasnt added, do I need to do anything? Am I just doing somthing wrong??

  5. check ur email and accept the invite, I will resend it just in case

  6. my email is nightclaw99@yahoo.com



Shinepaw's Eggs and Pokemon