1. FrostColony need to make an Information Page! 2. ShockColony, MoonColony, and FrostColony Leaders need to make their Colonies Dens!

Friday, September 10, 2010

ShockColony Dens

A jolteon, padding happily in the clearing, notices you and runs over. "Hey there! Welcome to ShockColony! My name is Flaresky, the leader of ShockColony. Follow me and we can take a quick tour around our camp!" Flaresky runs off, but pauses, looking back at you. "Oops, sorry. I forgot to tell you. Us jolteons are the fastest eeveelutions, so I'll slow down, and we can walk at the same pace. Oh, and before we go, this here is the clearing. The main place where us jolteons thrive." he smiles warmly and leads you to the first den.

"Us jolteons prefer the outdoors, which explains our speed. This is my den, the leader's den. I sleep in the ferns off into the distance, beneath those trees." he nods, and leads you to a small tree.

"This is the healer's den, which may not seem like a good place to sleep in right now, but under that tree, there's a bed of ferns, where our healer can sleep comfortably. The healer stores the herbs between the roots of the tree, and small puddles can be a place where you drink, after a long run perhaps." Flaresky smiles and walks off to another place in the moor.

"This is the rebels den, where rebels sleep after a long day here at ShockColony. The rebels usually sleep at the roots of the trees, where, as you can see, is a nice bed of grass." The jolteon tilts his head a little, as if admiring the den, then padded on.

"Here, the apprentices sleep in this den. They sleep in the clumps of flowers scattered here and there, but I've seen some sleeping at the top of the slope, so I guess they choose wherever they want to sleep." he shuffles his paws slightly, then moves on.

"Next, we have our elders den. We've seen a lot of blue skies here lately, it's as if StarColony is giving thanks to our elders. They sleep wherever they feel comfortable, and are there for the most of the day. Shh! Don't wake them up by all that noise! They can outrun you, especially when they get cranky!"

"Well, here's our last place. This large stone is the Shockstone, where I make announcements from the top." Flaresky smiles, then pads back to the entrance.

Flaresky arrives at the the entrance and smiles. "Hope you enjoyed the tour. Thank you for visiting, and hope you come back soon!" he looks down reluctantly, but smiles warmly as you head back into the forest.

How to Comment:

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-Leader's Den-

Flaresky sighs after a long day and lays down underneath the trees, closing his eyes, and falling asleep immediately.


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