1. FrostColony need to make an Information Page! 2. ShockColony, MoonColony, and FrostColony Leaders need to make their Colonies Dens!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Can It?

It's Starless (aka Flaresky), here.
You know how this blog pretty much faded away?
Do you guys think it could be brought back?

I'm not sure how many people still check here, but maybe we can just sort out the leaders and start over?
Otherwise, it'll sit here depressingly.
So, you guys tell me.
Can it be brought back? *hopes* ^-^

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Bright New Sky

Dawnsky hung back as they trekked through the undergrowth and back to their territories. The day was new, shining with a new hope, a new light. She held up her head and felt the rays seep deeply into her, warmth spreading. So finally, it's over. The colonies are safe and my colonymembers as well. The forest sings in harmony once a- her thoughts were interupted by a strange static silence. Uneasy, she bounded back up by the others. As soon as they were out of the clearing, the small cackling of a little Vulpix echoed. "Revenge...is coming" it rasped maliciously, and began to laugh again...at the Colonies' to-be demise.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Shadow Lugia- The Purification

Friday, November 5, 2010

In Dark Waters~ Dawnsky's POV

The icy chill of the water held her tightly in it's grasp, but Dawnsky kept onward, Splashsky swimming at her side. Her paws thrummed in a sort of rhythm, but the current swept her faster in a single direction, as if the source of the Lake's life was centered there. The deep water didn't bother her as much as Splashsky, she was a Grass type, but the cold was another thing. Surpressing a shiver she came to a ghostly yet beautiful cave. After exchanging looks, Splashsky and Dawnsky plunged into the dark entrance.

Air...breath...when was the last time she had taken some? A certain lightness had settled upon her, swimming slowed. Light shone from a single direction...and she followed it's warm glow up and up and...

Dawnsky broke to the surface gasping, and Splashsky came up beside her. They had come into a cavern, eerie and silent. Words she couldn't understand written on the walls. "Wow, it's so...dead" she breathed, and Splashsky nodded. A blue light burst across the room, blinding the two Leaders, then it faded slowly away to reveal a shimmering Orb. "The Serenity Orb!" Dawnsky cried out. She ran forward, and the moment her paws touched the Orb, the cavern began to shake and a roar was heard from the Lake beyond the walls.

[Ok, so Lugia has now emerged from the Lake, and Shadow Lugia is currently fighting the other Leaders. If you'd like you can RP on this post, or we can make more posts :) ]

Saturday, October 23, 2010


The deletion thing didn't happen okay? :D The Eevee Cs are here to stay! Post more often!


Shinepaw's Eggs and Pokemon