1. FrostColony need to make an Information Page! 2. ShockColony, MoonColony, and FrostColony Leaders need to make their Colonies Dens!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

FlameColony-The Brave and Fiery

Welcome! Please have a look around! We are the brave and fiery, FlameColony! My name is Flickersky, the leader of FlameColony! We are the home to all Flareon's, large or small! Please make yourself at home! Do you have a brave, fiery personality? Do you love the heat of Summer, and the blazing forest fires? All Flareon's do, so, if you like any of that, then you are a Flareon! You belong in FlameColony, either as a Healer, Rebel, Apprentice, Kit, or and Elder! All are welcome, and we would much enjoy your presence! So, come and join. We need a Healer, and many Rebels! Enjoy the heat of the sun with us!


Shinepaw's Eggs and Pokemon