1. FrostColony need to make an Information Page! 2. ShockColony, MoonColony, and FrostColony Leaders need to make their Colonies Dens!

Friday, August 6, 2010

A Dark Moment

A shadow covered WhiteColony's field.

An ear-splitting roar filled the territory.

Splashsky stared into the sky. "SHADOW LUGIA! IS! ATTACKING!"

A purple ball of energy filled Shadow Lugia's mouth, and he spit it out creating an explosion.

All the eevees ran not knowing what to do. Splashsky thought hard. All rebels, apprentices, and queens knew Hyper Beam. A powerful normal type move. Maybe WhiteColony can fend it off until other Colonies notice!

"HYPER POWER!!!" She screamed. All eevees knew what this meant.

They all blasted a beam at the looming purple shape. "LLLUUUUUUGGGGGRRRAAAAAHHH!"
It cried flying a little bit away. It glared down.

More energy balls were hurled at WhiteColony.

(Which colony will save us?!)


Shinepaw's Eggs and Pokemon